Take full control of the engineering design process
When your company uses digital technologies to innovate engineering design processes, you need a reliable platform that helps run multidisciplinary simulations and manage huge amounts of data efficiently.
With VOLTA, ESTECO Enterprise platform for Simulation Process and Data Management (SPDM) and design optimization, you can expect to scale up the usage of simulation models and design exploration and optimization techniques across teams and different organizations to deliver better products, faster.
Seamless collaboration across engineering teams
Break organizational boundaries by facilitating 24/7 collaboration in simulation among different departments with a common web repository for sharing knowledge and best practices.
Accelerate time-to-market
Reduce engineering turnaround time and achieve product performance improvements with an efficient web environment to undertake Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) at enterprise level.
On-premises and cloud deployment
ESTECO professional service provides infrastructure setup and, consequently, reduces time and costs of deployment into your existing IT environment.
Compliant with security and data privacy policies
Take advantage of team collaboration while ensuring the respect of security standards and protecting the company’s IP. Set permissions to access files and folders based on the role and expertise of each user.
Lower costs
Maximize the investment in engineering solvers and IT resources. Integrate any CAD, CAE software and in-house codes. Benefit from state-of-the-art job scheduling technology designed for executing complex processes on elastic and scalable HPC environments.
Link simulation to business process
Map and execute business processes. Deliver tasks to the right people at the right time, from single domain experts to decision makers. Invoke the run of simulation workflows automatically from the business process.
“With VOLTA, ESTECO offers an interactive and user-friendly web platform that is able to cumulate smart algorithms, automation process, post processing and interactive data visualization.”