Claudio Miccoli
Claudio Miccoli
Claudio Miccoli is an Aerospace Engineer, majored in Computational Fluid Dynamics. After a Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico di Torino, he completed a postgraduate program at the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, obtaining a Reseach Master in Fluid Dynamics. Since 2022, he has been working as a Simulation Engineer at OPTIMAD, in the Professional Services department. He provides consultancy to companies for fluid dynamic simulations and thermal analysis, applied to aerospace, automotive and mechanics industries. He also develops solutions for automation of simulation processes and workflows.

Enhancing an FDA centrifugal blood pump through simulation and parametric design optimization
Written by Braydan Collins, Claudio Miccoli, Angela Scardigli
28 March 2024 · 5 min read
We developed a comprehensive numerical methodology to validate and optimize the high-fidelity simulation of a centrifugal blood pump, building on the FDA’s initiative to standardize and validate high-fidelity simulations for medical devices.